Sunday, February 9, 2025

blue collar movie

 in the evening i went to see the movie 'blue collar' at the trylon in Minneapolis. Harvey Keitel, Richard Pryor, and Yaphet Kotto were in it. this was about auto workers who burglarized their own union hall, and what was found in the safe besides petty cash. i knew it was produced by Norman Lear's company, then known as TAT, and this explains why three clips from TV shows in scenes of this movie were from his shows- 'Jeffersons', once, and 'Good Times', twice. i recognized product placement in it, as Harvey's character was wearing a McDonald's shirt, the song about what is in big macs. Yaphet's character was all right, but i found Richard Pryor's character to be too extreme. Harvey's character reminded me a little of my dad, with a '30 and out' hat, and the short-sleeved sport shirt. my dad was a labor union man as well. i also noticed the name change of their labor union, to AAW instead of UAW, in this case 'auto assembly workers'. i liked seeing something in the background in a toy store, as it was Linus with his blanket, on the wall. i didn't stay long after the screening was done, as the snow ordinance was just about to take effect. i took a picture of the sign saying what movies were playing that night, then knew i had to 'get out of dodge'. i didn't do much after getting home. in the morning i went to the post office early, one order was picked up. then it was on to get an oil change done on my car in inver grove heights. then i went to lunch at the McDonald's a few miles away, but returned after noticing the wiper blades were skipping a fairly big part. i got an adjustment done. i rested a little at home, watched the ending of a college basketball game, Iowa's men's team lost to Wisconsin. i dropped off recycle near the capitol, then ate at home before watching the news and then heading to the movie. during my walks i found 1 dollar 75 cents. 

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