Tuesday, January 26, 2021

american revolutions-zoom lecture

 in the evening i watched a lecture on zoom about 'american revolutions', sponsored by the state historic society. i liked how it covered many things that weren't in the history books i had read when i was young. it went much farther than just saying there were 'dis-united states' under the articles of confederation. it said the northwest territory, along with compromises that allowed the constitution to happen, was what strengthened the fledgling democracy. i liked mention of dan boone moving to a place near st. louis as i have toured that home. this was part of mention of the newer states, or settlers moving into territories, deciding to make deals with the british or spanish governments on moving to their lands in case the united states collapsed. also liked mention of the importance of economic issues, especially control of the mississippi river by the spanish as it was important related to trade in new orleans. some good questions were asked, such as the role of women at the time, but others had nothing to do with this era, such as west virginia. i saw how it is part one in a series of four, and the fourth interests me as well, rural vs. urban. 

later on in the evening i went on a walk and found 50 cents. the 'big bang theory' rerun was when the friends went on a train ride to san francisco, and sheldon called penny when he needed something emailed. then the TV was shut off as the zoom lecture was starting. at work i managed to get the checks out the door but it was a challenge as one of the hoppers on the envelope stuffer was jamming in the afternoon. so it meant using the smaller one, and it stopped more often so i had to keep pressing a button to get it going again. so the plan is to call for service in the morning. before midday i had to change the fluid bottle. 

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