Sunday, March 14, 2021

sistine chapel exhibit, mall of america

 in the early afternoon i went to see an exhibit at the mall of america in bloomington about the sistine chapel. specifically, it was about the frescoes done my michelangelo. there was an audio tour available for purchase for three dollars so i decided to get it. i think i got my money's worth as i listened to what they had about each display, along with a segment from public TV about it. the time allotment was to be one hour apparently but i was there for two and a half. i did get some postcards as souvenirs, five in all. this included 'the creation of adam', which has been parodied by the st. paul saints baseball team and many others. of course these were replicas of what is at the chapel. there was an easel next to each display, in english and spanish. thankfully one didn't have to look at the ceiling, they were all on display like framed art is, but more like on linen cloth. when there was mention of the book of lamentations it reminded me of my dad, who once said i should read this book of the bible. it was odd to hear about some parts of the art was painted over with underwear covering what had been nude bodies. it did remind me of how i had read 'from the mixed-up files of mrs. basil frankweiler', which mentions michelangelo's 'angel' statue in it. and there is mention of his 'david' sculpture, which has been on 'the simpsons'. 

i had lunch at home before departing for the mall, and after i left the exhibit i went to walgreen and bought three items. an ice cream candy bar, some scotch tape, and perrier water. looks like there is another donut shop in the former tim horton's location, this time a dunkin'. i watched the selection show for the college basketball tournament when i got home, the iowa hawkeyes are a number 2 seed. during my walks i found 1 dollar 14 cents. it was enough to get a bottle of mustard at the family dollar. i could have bought mustard at the walgreen but figured i could find a cheaper bottle somewhere else, and i was correct. the one from family dollar was the store brand, or private label, and under a dollar. i like having it for dipping chicken strips in. 'the simpsons' was about musical robots, likely a reference to those found at 'showbiz pizza' and similar places becoming characters in a movie. last week's episode was also about music, 'cletus the slack jawed yokel' becoming a country singer. in the morning before departing for the exhibit i watched a DVD copy of 'star is born', the one with lady gaga. first time since seeing it at theaters, it was a recent amazon purchase. 

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