Sunday, July 25, 2021

lansky movie

 this evening i watched a DVD movie, a redbox rental, 'lansky'. it is the story of a former gangster telling his story to a biographer. i was not familiar at all with meyer lansky, but had heard of the other gangsters mentioned in it, such as al capone, lucky luciano, and bugsy siegel. the story was just as much about trying to write it while the feds are investigating, trying to use the biographer to get to him- as it was about his days as a gangster many years earlier. it takes place in 1981, and the epilogue said lansky died of lung cancer 2 years later. when i researched this story online after finishing the movie, i found out there was a biography, published in 1991. but the name of the actual biographer was different, and he was actually british and not an american driving a mercury monarch with pennsylvania plates. but i am familiar with how they have disclaimers saying 'based on actual events', and this movie does say just that. i liked hearing the story being told about owning gambling casinos in havana, cuba. same is true with helping out the nation of israel in its infancy. the movie actually begins with an interview on TV, and later on in the movie it is revealed it was when he was living as an israeli citizen, likely in the early 1970s. i say this because they mention president nixon, and golda meir. although golda is not listed in the cast, only her aide is, as there is a scene where golda is watching the interview. i recognized harvey keitel, who played lansky, as well as david james elliott, who played an FBI agent. 

   this was also a day of errand running. i sent recycling to the capitol, and went to the post office but there was nothing to pick up from my box. then i went to a fedex office to retype a writing contest entry on the correct font. in my rush to get out of the workplace on friday i didn't check to see if i was using the correct font. it was 175 words or less, so it didn't take long to get it done. i also printed a page saying i had won a free ticket to see the movie 'space jam'. i read through the offer and it sounds like i have until the end of august to use it, so i will try to find the time to use it next weekend. i also made it to aldi for my weekly grocery order, but before the evening meal as i wanted more time for evening activities such as watching the movie. during my walks for the day i found 1 dollar 17 cents, so i have reached the next goal of some cans of beer. there is more to do this weekend, but probably enough time on sunday to get done what is on my list. 

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