Tuesday, August 10, 2021

bandana BBQ

the day began at my hotel near the st. louis airport. at midday i went to eat at bandana BBQ next to the hotel. i had the pork sandwich with potato salad, and the ice cream sundae. along with some sweet tea. everything tasted fine. odd having to re-order things when i said while i was seated what i wanted after being given a menu when i first saw the place 2 days earlier. there was plenty of western art on the wall, including something about a buffalo bill movie. a patron at a nearby table at one point spoke of a raggedy ann doll. 

in the morning after having breakfast and checking out of the hotel i went to st. charles and found the lou brock statue at a university. it was in front of the baseball field. i ended up walking past the football field to get there, and the team was having a practice. also found a bank facility in another suburb, it was a suite in a larger complex. there was a light rail stop nearby. after having lunch i didn't do much else as i needed to return the rental car and head back to the airport. once i arrived at the airport i got a postcard ready to mail to myself. and i looked at both of the displays there. one was some photography of city landmarks and the other was about liquor prohibition, an exhibit on loan from anheuser-busch. the flight was a few minutes early getting to MSP, not a big deal. i got a good look around at the airport while there. saw a history display there about the minnesota air national guard. and i bought two lady gaga items at open book, which had name recognition as i have a membership with the loft literary center. i was a magnet and a greeting card. i made it home on the bus in the early evening, and first thing was to go get groceries as i normally get them on saturday. i unpacked but it didn't take long as it is mostly dirty clothes and cheap souvenirs. not much postal mail waiting, both items are in the box of things to the shredded. i fell asleep for a little while and then got up to go to the open-mic, most of my set was about being in st. louis. i went on a walk after performing and found 40 cents. 

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