Tuesday, September 14, 2021

slow commercials in survey

 i have been doing e-rewards surveys for the airline miles, and tonight after work i was trying to do one where i was reviewing insurance commercials. but i was tired of it stopping all the time, and they were supposed to be just 30-second spots, that i said 'i have had enough' and abandoned the survey. i am still gunning to do enough of them in order to cash out 1,000 airline miles for the month. and there are plenty of surveys to do- many days i get 2 emails about it- so reaching the goal seems likely. 

at work the 2 files that have been arriving late in the afternoon still did, but this time i found the time to finish them before the end of the day. it will be nice to have no carryover. after work it was slow going getting home as there was a police vehicle blocking a lane after a car crash. of course after getting through that intersection it was clear sailing. in the evening i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 38 cents. so i have reached the next save-up goal, a festival button. i saw a billboard about a festival this weekend at a catholic church and decided to research it online. there is a car show sunday, so that interests me. and of course festivals have plenty of food, drink and music. i didn't have a pork chop on a stick at the state fair this year but it sounds like i can have it this weekend. now it means finding a button. a newsletter with the schedule of events listed 8 places besides the church itself. no surprise how all of them are within 2 miles of the church. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when 'fun with flags' on valentines day included calls from raj, and kripke, whining about being single. it was followed by the one where sheldon and leonard fight after leonard gave a speech, and howard captured it on video, with the background music being '3 blind mice'. 

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