Saturday, October 23, 2021

american boogeywoman movie

 around mid-morning i watched a DVD movie, a redbox rental, 'american boogeywoman'. it was about a serial killer, aileen wuornos. i wasn't familiar with her story, but wikipedia said there was an earlier movie about her, 'monster', starring charlize theron, an oscar winner. most of the movie takes place in prison where she will soon be executed. she is being interviewed, and tells the story of being married to a rich man in florida in 1976, albeit briefly. when the movie ends it says she doesn't murder anyone until 1989, although murders are depicted in the movie. but i am aware of the disclaimer saying 'some scenes and characters were invented for dramatic effect'. it was kind of short, just under 90 minutes, unless you count all of the previews. it included one for the companion, 'american boogeyman', about ted bundy, that i had seen earlier. i didn't recognize any of the actors in it, but read how a daughter of patty hearst plays the rich man's daughter. 

once the movie was done i knew i needed to get started on errand running, and the first stop was the post office. there was 5 e-bay orders to pick up, so now there is just one order outstanding. i threw out the one item that wasn't addressed to me, but to the previous box holder, a limousine service. there was no return address on it to send it to, and i have had the box for nearly 7 years so i am surprised i still sometimes get mail that isn't for me. then it was on to the gas station to dump the movie and get a sandwich for lunch. i wasn't home for long, basically long enough for eating lunch, and then i went to do a meetup walk. it began at the cathedral steps in st. paul, and we were to go past some notable houses on summit avenue but some of the walk was diverted due to protesters who were marching from the capitol to the governor's mansion. i had a scrap of paper with me with the directions written down, and on it i wrote 'the haves and have-nots', in reference to seeing some pitched tents near the cathedral, likely homeless people. we did a picture near a statue in a garden, there was a plate in the background that had an excerpt from a writing by robert louis stevenson. when i got home i was tired, so i laid down for a while, when i woke up it was early evening, time to go get groceries at aldi, when i got back i had the evening meal, some pizza. i had the TV on when checking email, but didn't pay close attention to it because it was a college football game, ohio state at indiana, and ohio state was way ahead by halftime. later on i went on a walk and found 57 cents. i did finish getting the baseball cards purchased this week into binders, although it was essentially a wash as i took out nearly as many as were put in. or in some cases i moved them from one binder to another, as was the case for all-star game and world series cards, that had been in a team's section. all about 'stressing quality' as to what was taken out. thankfully there weren't too many duplicate cards in the box, i think only one. when i was re-arranging cards by the manufacturing company, i found another. it had a lot to do with not wanting to buy more sheets to put the cards in, wanting to save a trip to find out who sells them. 

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