Sunday, December 5, 2021

nadine in dateland movie

this morning i watched a DVD movie, a recent purchase from family dollar, 'nadine in dateland'. i recognized janeane garofalo and john ross bowie in it. the movie is about somebody who runs a dating service but is herself unlucky in love. although we end up seeing some of the reasons why, as she is clumsy on dates. i bought this movie because i like janeane's comedy. i am trying to think of how i feel about this movie. the main character's friend, a trust fund baby, is a lesbian and this does lead to some of the sub-plots such as running into the friend's ex in a grocery store where they hide behind a display of little debbie snack cakes. a young boy, a computer nerd, is later revealed to be still in high school and that he lied about his age to get the job at the dating service. then there is the spying on the target of the main character's affection, in order to save her business- as her mom's ulimatum was to woo him. needing some help in order to do well in dating, that part made sense. but the deceit involved doesn't, as one can get found out. also notable was the john ross bowie character having his parents as part of the dates. i think this is why the movie can be considered a 'farce' because that is ridiculous. so i am ambivalent about this movie, as the premise was good but the end result left a lot to be desired. 

i still had some things to do, most notable was getting the laundry done. as usual i get it started and don't spend all of my time 'babysitting' it, as i want to watch some of the pro football games on TV. so it meant going back when i knew it was time to move things to the dryer, and when the dryer was done. i showered at halftime of the vikings-lions game, and got started on laundry at the end of the 3rd quarter, lions went on to win a close one. i had it all done by the evening. after '60 minutes' there was a program on CBS about the lighting of the national christmas tree, hosted my ll cool j and president biden spoke at it. some songs were performed as well. during my walks i found 1 dollar 71 cents. 

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