Sunday, January 9, 2022

fortress movie

 this morning i watched a DVD movie, a redbox rental, 'fortress'. i recognized bruce willis, and shannen doherty, in it. this story took place at a 'retirement camp' that was actually a military compound. bruce's character lived there and was visited by his estranged son. this led to mercenaries following him to the camp. then there was a big body count. i kind of liked one character that was armed with a knife and was comical at the end, saying he had 'saved the day' and wondered why nobody would give him a ride on his own 'golf cart'. i read how this is the beginning of a trilogy, so when the movie ends, showing a character that was left for dead, it is proof of how there is more of a story to tell in the next movie. it was the typical movie length, just over 90 minutes, but it still seemed like the ending was long and drawn out. 

after the movie was done i went to mall of america and picked up another book at the barnes and noble, this time it was about route 66. and i went to walgreen and got some cheese, as well as a snickers ice cream candy bar, the last one. after i got home i went to the family dollar and picked up some toothpaste, toilet paper, and doritos chips. it was midday by then and the bears-vikings football game had just started, bears were ahead 3-0 and led 14-3 at the half, but lost 31-17. after the football game was done i dumped the movie at the gas station, and considered going to do laundry but decided it was kind of cold out so it could wait another week. later on in the evening i went on a walk and found 3 dollars 58 cents. so i have enough for 2 beers on my next visit to the liquor store. i saw a facebook posting from a friend in the performing circuit, the one who does the 'by yourself' poem, who said a friend had committed suicide. i said when i was 12 i attended the funeral for a distant cousin who had taken his own life, something that i will probably never forget. 

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