Wednesday, August 31, 2022

seinfeld hat

 when i was out for a walk i saw a seinfeld hat on the pavement, so i put it in the next trash bin that i saw. it is still odd what one sees when out and about. i know it was a popular show but i didn't watch it much, wasn't my thing. during this walk i found 1 dollar 5 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when amy did experiments on penny. it was followed by the one where the scientists from fermi-lab met sheldon and amy about their paper. at work it was a tough day. the envelope stuffer stopped a lot. coupled with the fargo business line starting to send remediation checks, it meant plenty of checks did not go out because i had to babysit the machine. then in the afternoon there was a dial-in meeting because my boss found out about immediate pay checks that did not go out because i did not get them. there was an I.T. issue so some I.T. people were put on the call as well. in spite of it all, the checks that needed to go out did. although i am not sure about what is to be done in terms of eliminating the backlog. i did call for service because parts arrived at the end of monday, but no response as to when a technician will arrive. one check is ready for courier pick-up, not sure how it will work. the employee picking it up isn't the requestor, and i realized they are picking it up early in the day, before the branch opens. when i reminded them of this they were offline. i did give my phone number as well so i guess they can call me if needed.

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