Wednesday, July 5, 2023

meetup picnic, phalen park

 i stayed active on my day off for the holiday. the first of two events i attended was a meetup picnic at phalen park in st. paul. i once lived near there, but i haven't been there much in recent years. i was wearing my patriotic charlie brown shirt and when i sat down to eat i had somebody tell me they liked seeing it. then i was told there is a charlie brown and snoopy exhibit at the minnesota history center. i found it on my phone, it hasn't started yet but it will later this month and will run until june of next year. after i was done eating i went on a walk around the lake, part of it anyway. i liked finding a garden that was in honor of the sister city relationship with a chinese city. there was mention of sending some charlie brown statues to china. i read about it on the signs next to the replica of a pavilion sent from china. i also found a sculpture that was in honor of the centennial of the winter carnival. so it was nice getting back to the old neighborhood, even if only for a brief visit. then it was on to roseville for their holiday event, also in a park. i wanted a free button and had to wait a little for a city employee to find them at the office, but i got one. it will go well next to the other one i have from rose-fest, from six years ago. while waiting i walked around a little, checked my phone and deleted some apps, and got some ice cream. i liked how the ice cream truck had something inspired by the movie 'space jam'. it was tweety-themed, so i got one. there was a puppet show nearby as well, on the back of a truck. late in the evening i went on a walk and found 21 cents. the 'big bng theory' reruns were when howard got back from space, but his friends were too busy for him and bernadette was ill. some of them were in the middle of a pie eating contest. it was followed by the one where howard and sheldon are in the desert and howard's rocket exploded. penny bonds with leonard's mom, and leonard doesn't like it.

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