Thursday, February 22, 2024

car shield offer

 there was one item in the postal mail for the day, it was an offer from car shield. it went into my box of things to shred. there was mention of the famous people who have endorsed it, but i still don't see the need for it. i think they've had an info-mercial on local TV before, after the evening news. at work there was three meetings, thankful that one of them was a dial-in, the middle one. the first was a team huddle, the third was a one on one with the boss, first one of those since may. i prefer days with no meetings at all, as it left me a little behind on my work. the two big fargo files were late, arrived in the mid-afternoon, so i printed off the special handling checks and those still went out same-day. one of the files i had just enough time to print all of them before the end of the day, but not enough time to run them through the machine. printing the larger file will have to wait until the next day. 'the conners' had chickens playing a toy piano. liked that more than jackie clashing with her mom, with the latter deciding to get on a train in Chicago. later on i went on a walk and found 18 cents. the 'big bang theory' rerun was when sheldon left with raj's date, because raj was drunk, and boring. also shown was sheldon playing an electric piano after being served a spiked drink by penny. 

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