Monday, June 10, 2024

career builder, inactive

 it was time to go to job sites and make them inactive. this was not just career builder, but also indeed. looks like monster already was inactive. in the past week i was contacted by email, voicemail, and text, all from the same recruiter. usually i just get an email, and not too often. i responded to the text and said i was not interested in contract work. And it meant also unsubscribing from career builder emails telling me about available jobs. another good reason to do this was that i have been with the bank for just over four years now. i gave my car the day off, had nowhere to go. i did stop at aldi and bought four items, including a pot pie, as i didn't feel like eating out again this weekend. i had already done that twice on saturday. i stayed in and did some more cleanup in my home. this included shredding some junk mail, filled a bag and a half, plastic grocery store bags that is. i found slots in my photo albums for recent postcard purchases as well, decided to take out a few in the name of stressing quality. in the evening i watched the segment on '60 minutes' about pink, the musician. this is somebody i have seen in concert. later on i changed the channel to fox for a spring football game, san antonio beat st. louis 25-15. during my walks i found 51 cents. 

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