Wednesday, June 5, 2024

empty sealing fluid bottles

 a cleanup of the check shop was done in the morning, scheduled as a meeting. i got started a little early as i had some time after printing the morning files. it meant sending all of the empty sealing fluid bottles to the recycle dumpster, twenty-seven in all. most were in carboard boxes, and i broke down the boxes first and by the end of the day the bin for cardboard boxes was full. i also sent two boxes full of my own printouts to the recycle bin, first time i had done this since i started four years ago. there is one box left. we still have more than a month until the move downtown, so there is time to go through all of what we have. vacation replacement decided to go through two boxes left over from covid, which had customer service and new vendor forms in them. along with a bookcase that has binders in it that we hadn't even touched in years. during this short meeting the envelope order arrived, so i met the courier with carts at the service entry near the ATM line and dumpsters. the boss kept a screw from a broken cart so i had to find another one to use the cart as only half of them were there to keep the handle on it. it was a high-volume day of check printing, over seven thousand. when vacation replacement saw just over two thousand fargo checks were printed but not yet run through the machine he decided to run them through, it meant we sent out five mail tubs at the end of the day. also high volume on overnight labels, fifty-five. twenty-two of them were from one file, mortgages. late in the evening i went on a walk and found 35 cents. the 'big bang theory' rerun was when the friends played a weird game of chess, while raj was naked hiding behind the counter. 

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