Monday, June 24, 2024

cars 2 movie

 this afternoon i watched a DVD movie, a recent purchase from amazon, it was 'cars 2'. i liked the premise, a g-rated spy film. i recently bought a scale-model car, louis larue, the mime in paris, and figured i should watch the movie as well. since i have seen many comedies before some gags didn't catch me off-guard. this was true when the tow-truck was in japan and was served wasabi, thinking it was ice cream. i later looked it up and found out it was horseradish mustard, but i knew full well it wouldn't be funny if it really was ice cream. for some reason it meant something to me when the tow-truck found out he wasn't respected by some people, i think because i am all too familiar with this in my own life. this was after being mistaken for a spy. i could tell that there were some life lessons in this movie, about the friendship between the racecar and the tow-truck. no surprise how race-car drivers were voicing some characters. brad paisley had some songs in this movie, surprised how i hadn't heard of this movie before when i once dated someone who likes that musician. i watched the movie after watching the college world series on ABC, tennessee beat texas a and m, 4-1, all runs scored by the long ball. in the morning i did laundry. i did send a text and found out cul-de-sac was busy, so i did not attend the saints baseball game. hopefully some other time this season there will be a comics outing at the game. after the movie i went on a long walk around the neighborhood, and during my walks i found 70 cents. in the evening i called my dad, who had a birthday in the past week. 

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