Friday, June 7, 2024

nicollet island pavilion

 after work i went to an alumni event at the nicollet island pavilion in minneapolis. i checked the driving directions and found out it was less than a mile from the st. anthony main movie theater. i might have been to this venue before, but not sure. i recall a sister city event i attended many years ago. the university president spoke after we had some food and drink. i am thankful that i got a cold sandwich at hy-vee before i got there as some of the food offerings, such as the shrimp, didn't appeal to me. and pretty much all of it was finger food as expected. i did like the pineapple chunks and the cheese chunks though. i read the nametag of a university employee, from the pharmacy department, and it sounded familiar from a camp i attended at the u. of northern iowa decades ago. i don't recall a lot from that camp for athletic training though, but i do still have the shirt from it, in the closet next to my cub scout and church camp shirts. i did do some more purging in the check shop at work, envelopes for business lines that were discontinued were thrown into a recycle bin. and UPS boxes were placed in a different bin, outside the building near the ATM line. a colleague asked about a returned check but was working from home. i said if it needs to be overnighted to a different address, then get me the address and check when back in the office early next week. this was a quick dial-in meeting. looks like the trees that were put out in the breakroom are being claimed, down to one and it was five. late in the evening i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 37 cents. another highlight of the day was when i went to get gas, and a sandwich, at hy-vee i saw some food trailers in the parking lot and got a raspberry ice cream cone. i had one there before. 

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