Tuesday, June 25, 2024

engineering delays?

 there was a dial-in meeting in the afternoon at work about my job, sounds like the check shop will not be moving at the same time as the rest of the team. there was mention of having to get the engineering squared away. i am getting my wish though, a field trip to the new office downtown later this week. and i guess another meeting about it that same day. vacation replacement dropped in and went through more of the iron mountain boxes sent to us from fargo over three years ago, when the boxes were opened some of the records in it had been wet. and definitely past the save date, more than ten years old, dates on some were 1999, more than two decades old. i went to perform in the evening, not just bank stories but also the play i had just seen. show runner was surprised i hadn't seen the movie version. as i was about to leave the venue i saw somebody i knew, hadn't seen them in a while. i was told our mutual friend plans on moving back to the area early in the next calendar year. during my walks i found 1 dollar 36 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when the friends told the air force that the project will be delayed. it was followed by the one where leonard and penny get back together, they fight and then have sex. but they wanted to avoid telling their friends for a while. 

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