Saturday, June 15, 2024

rolodex cards

 i am still finding some things in the recent cleanup at work. there was some rolodex cards, still wrapped in plastic, and i kept the cover card which will go into a souvenir binder. haven't seen anyone use a rolodex in a while so a little surprising to see these unearthed. another thing found, also in the payroll section where it said 'help yourself', was some pump bottles that had hand sanitizer in them. there was four and i decided to dump the contents into the two bottles i have in the check shop. then the empty bottles were put into the recycle bin, found in the breakroom. it was another fairly low-volume day on check printing, which is what was expected for the end of the week. later in the day there was an i.m. from the payroll boss who was asking about my recent conversations with two of her reports. i said i really was unable to do paystubs when requested as i had given the remaining envelopes to another colleague a month ago, when requested, and nobody had asked me to do them for well over six months. for this reason, the current machine that arrived in january is not currently set up to handle them. the colleague that asked for the envelopes was being picky about how i was processing these forms so i wasn't complaining at all about how i hadn't seen them in months. i had plenty of other work to keep me occupied anyway. will this mean i am doing them again? i don't know. i will wait to hear more as this manager spoke of wanting to have meetings with all of the stake holders. in the evening i went to hy-vee in eagan and twelve items were bought, including some star wars-themed oreo cookies. loved the cardboard cutout display they had for it, hard to miss as well as it was so big. later on i went on a walk and found 76 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when the friends had two rooms, based on who was mad at who. and it was annoying how much raj bragged about dating two women at the same time. it was followed by the one where sheldon's mom visits, and it ends with sheldon getting sick and then she takes care of him. 

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