Saturday, April 7, 2018

working on the tape

I had to move up some of my errand running this morning, as I wanted to do some overtime at work. so it meant getting a breakfast sandwich a little early, and going to the post office shortly after it opened. i figured i would have to go to the counter to pick up one of my orders, but no need. the baseball player snoopy fit inside my PO box. but it wasn't easy to get snoopy out, plenty of tape on the Philadelphia cream cheese box it was in. so i had to work on the tape for a while. at first i just left it as i needed to get inside the office. but when i came out at midday for my break i got the box open. it had more time, 15 minutes, made a difference. also picked up a world's fair postcard. i scored 67 tests, pleased to get so much done. but it was much like other places where i have done overtime, where they knew it was voluntary and figured it was best to just turn people loose and let them do what they do best. announcements can wait for a weekday. i notified my boss about one test, where the student spoke about school shootings twice. they want to know of anyone does, and i wrote down the test number for our moderator.
   after work i got a hot dog at a super-America, and then went to the library and got some things printed. two of them were facebook postings, one from mason city about trying to find comedy gigs. and the other was from a record label owner, about great places to eat after a comedy show. i also ordered and printed a ticket for the shrine circus at the state fairgrounds, for sunday. i used a discount code from a TV commercial. then it was on to McDonald's to get an ice cream cone. at first i was going to get one at a dairy queen inside a mall, but it was closed, gone. after ice cream it was the grocery store, aldi, and then watch the news and then a sandwich at a subway.
   tonight i plan on performing at a karaoke bar, and then it means going to a performance venue as i am part of a comedy marathon. i reviewed the video on YouTube from two years ago, and checked my notes that are in a binder from last year. so i think i will be ready.

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