Monday, February 22, 2021

R2-D2 candy dispenser

 well sometimes the search yields something different than expected, but still good. i walked to a target, and then a nearby walgreen, and found a cool item at the latter. i got some chocolate milk and some of those hawaiian dinner rolls at the former. i was looking for discounted valentine candy, but it must have been sold out already at this one. when i saw an R2-D2 candy dispenser, i said i like that. in the 'star wars' movies i always liked the droids and chewy the most. the candy is pellets, and it was in a plastic bag inside the unit. so of course it meant taking it out of the bag. and one presses the button to hear the beeps from R2 and to dispense the candy. i also saw a yoda for sale, but right now one is enough. i shortly after leaving the walgreen i found a place to eat and drink, a nearby bus stop with a bench. this is where i drank the milk and had two of the four rolls. it was snowing a little during this walk. 

i was pleased with what i got done today. it started with watching a DVD, a PBS documentary about actor-comedian robin williams. he is in my favorite movie, 'good will hunting'. then it was time to do laundry. the laundromat is under new ownership, explains why they were repainting. i also saw a woman working on the lint traps for the dryers. i asked what was the weirdest thing found in these traps, she said a rubber band and some coins. i claimed a dime from one of them. during my walks i found 1 dollar 74 cents, and this includes a folded up dollar bill in an otherwise empty cart there. when i see something like this i don't ask how it got there, i just take. it was enough to get beer at a nearby liquor store, for the fish fry meal for friday. i chose a bottle of sam adams from the mix and match cart. i went there after having lunch, as it was time to eat by the time i got back from the laundromat. then i decided to lay down for a little while before taking the long walk to the walgreen. 'the simpsons' brought back edna. 

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