Friday, April 2, 2021

out of love, alessia cara

 in the past week when i was walking past a coffee shop i heard a song and i couldn't identify it. but i said it sounded like alessia cara. i searched it when i got home and found out it was, and it is called 'out of love'. the lyrics say she won't do plenty of things, but will ask one question. the video shows her in what i counted to be four different outfits, at least, and just as many different scenes as well. the two most common is when she sings by herself in a red sweater,  and the other is in the front seat of a car in a denim top while a couple is in the back seat. yet another is in a dark room except for all of these candles. it is from an album called 'pains of growing'. i don't have that one, i have the earlier one, 'know it all'. 

it was a weird day at work, starting off with being the first car in the parking lot in the morning. usually that is not the case. at lunch the branch manager said it may just be me and the branch employees in the building. when i went out for a walk to get some snacks and a drink at walgreen i saw only one other car in the lot. my boss called me in the first hour and asked if i wanted to leave early as there was a protest planned at a nearby park in the evening. i stayed until my normal leave time as i had plenty of work to do, and it was 'much ado about nothing' on getting out of the area. no extra traffic. also during the day i added to the monthly supply order twice after the first submittal. first to say i needed cable ties for the mail tubs, and again for foundation envelopes as that business line sent us a file of well over 2 thousand checks. they hardly ever send checks, it is an unpredictable business line. in the evening i went on a walk and found 7 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when raj and howard argue about who is the sidekick, and amy is aroused by zach and keeps saying 'hoo'. it is followed by the one where there is a make-up prom, and it has all of the drama of a real prom. 

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