Sunday, April 4, 2021

take this job and shove it movie

 i watched a DVD movie this morning, a recent purchase from e-bay, 'take this job and shove it'. i had a memory of hearing about this movie because it was filmed in iowa, which doesn't happen too often. and at one venue i performed at they had beer cans on display. one of them was from pickett's, the beer seen in this movie. hard to say what the lasting impression was of the movie, as it has likely been a while since i had seen it. but it may be when somebody tried to drink from a broken bottle, and their mouth was cut up. another would be trying to play football inside a bar, with a toilet paper roll as the ball. when i was in college i knew somebody that didn't like the scenes at the brewery's employee picnic, which included monster trucks and the main character drove the bigfoot truck. i know some of my classmates spoke of going 'mudding' with their trucks on the weekends, so what was depicted in that scene may not be too far from what some do. the mist vivid memory from seeing it before was robert hays saying 'you can take your job and shove it' and then throwing a bottle of beer in the air and seeing it break on the floor. there were plenty of musicians in this movie, including both who are known for the song that inspired the movie title. david allan coe, who wrote it, and johnny paycheck, best known for performing it. the former is somebody who sings at the bar, the latter is listed in the credits as 'man with hamburgers'. i had read about the dubuque star brewery, where it was filmed, and how the brewery no longer exists. but the building is on the national register of historic places, likely aided by having the movie being filmed there. i like seeing historic buildings, so on my next visit to the area i should try to see it. 

it was easter sunday, so i watched the church service on fox-9 TV, from our lady of grace in edina. later on in the afternoon i went on a long walk and found 21 cents, all pennies. in the evening i had hoped to see 'the simpsons' on fox but there was a documentary about a lion instead. so i put in lady gaga DVDs, 'monster ball tour' and 'star is born', as i hadn't seen the special features from either one yet. eventually i also did the dishes and recycle. 

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