Monday, February 7, 2022

ace hardware buckets

 near the end of the workday i checked the branch to see if there were any deliveries to pick up, and there weren't any. what i did see was somebody with three ace hardware buckets, using the coin counter. sounds like a lot of coins to run through. the check shop door said there was a low battery when i entered the code in the morning so i called in a work order for it. and i tried to go out of the shop less often, not wanting to get locked out. a few times i even propped the door open with a stapler. hopefully they do arrive soon to take care of it. i think it is common to see them a day after placing the order. although i asked for high priority, in under 2 hours. the backlog on running the checks through the envelope stuffer has been eliminated, although there is still the box of income tax forms to run through. i put the box on the table next to the machine so they are more likely to be run through first when they are easily seen. i saw a technician in the morning about cleaning out the check printer, sounds like the main thing done was to use the air can on any of the doors on it and the toner cartridge. i hadn't used the air can on the check printers before. one interoffice envelope was going to iowa, 3 checks in it. one for the iowa cubs baseball team, the other two for the athletic ticket offices for the colleges in iowa city and ames. in the evening i went on a walk and found 2 dollars 6 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon was drugged by howard and then he said 'tag, you're it' to leonard. it was followed by the one where sheldon got an assistant, who seemed interested in leonard. for the evening meal i drank the can of surly and now there are 3 beers waiting. 

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