Friday, May 13, 2022

lights are on

 i got a call from my boss in the morning saying the power was out at the worksite. and about going to get my laptop in order to load files. except i am not set up or working from home when i print checks. i didn't recognize the number so i let it go to voicemail, then i called and found out what was happening. i drove in, lights were on, everything looked fine. so i went to work. there was a team huddle as scheduled but i think most were joining virtually. i had somebody ask for tracking numbers, then after i had more questions such as check numbers the search was called off. so i might not have even seen these checks at all. i picked up 2 boxes of envelopes from the branch, while there somebody needed help with the change counter so i notified a branch employee. i called the envelope company about the order that arrived by UPS ground last week and was told it was due to clerical error. a ticket opened on a check printer was called about, no action for a week, only mention of ordering parts. sounds like it is being upgraded though. in the evening i went on a walk and found 55 cents. there was some rain but it was later in the evening than the previous day, and some storm warnings as well. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when penny claimed a chair and sheldon didn't like it. this is the one where penny said 'what's up buttercup'. leonard does a virtual date with priya and the screen froze. it was followed by the one where the friends take a fencing lesson from kripke. i drank the bottle of hofbrau with the evening meal so now 2 beers are waiting. 

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