Monday, June 13, 2022

king corn movie

 just before midday i watched a DVD movie, a recent purchase from a re-sale shop, 'king corn'. it was about two young men moving to iow to plant and grow one acre of corn, a documentary. i had seen it at theaters many years ago, at the u. of minnesota campus. also nice to watch the special features, which included an interview with iowa senator charles grassley. then i got lunch at a nearby subway, i had a gift card to use, got a footlong roast chicken sandwich. brought it home to eat it. i watched some of the st. paul saints baseball game on TV, vs. rochester, but not a lot as i laid down and fell asleep. later on i watched some of a USFL game, new orleans vs. tampa bay. in the evening after watching 'the simpsons', i called a college roommate, first time in months. trying to arrange an outing together, although a museum may be out due to limited hours of operation. 'simpsons' included a storyline about home brew, and when it was about monks making beer it reminded me of paulaner, a german beer. since it was class reunion weekend, i looked at a memory book for the first time in years and added a few things to it, including 6 pictures as i noticed there weren't any in it. once i found the pictures of course, they were wallet size and were buried in a box and i had to keep guessing which box i left them in. sounds like at least one classmate had asked about me, so this means there were at least two that were disappointed due to my not attending. later on i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 6 cents. i also called my dad and as usual the call was long, and challenging as well as too much of the call was about things that happened many years, even decades, ago. tried to steer it towards more pleasant subjects but hard to do. 

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