Friday, March 31, 2023

stool and dinner tray returns

 i was part of the lineup at a show after work. it was one i had done before, but this was for the first time in three years. i was the live blogger at a comedy hour that included not only comics but also musicians and a game show segment where the prize was a t-shirt. this show was fronted by the wisconsin couple. so i decided that the stool and dinner tray i was given for the previous show should make a return. opera singer was part of the house band, an allman brothers tribute band. and there was a poet. i liked being able to talk with performers before the show in the green room, where i was eating pizza from domino's and drinking a and w root beer. there was cookies as well. in some ways it helped me with what to write about in the postings during the show. the poet spoke of being an instructor in classes at the loft literary center in minneapolis, a place where i am a member and have taken classes. i said the proof how it had been a while since i had done this show was some of the changes in my life. a new phone, new job, and new car. i didn't have much in terms of actual stage time but i didn't mind as i take my writing seriously and we all have roles to fill. show runner said it is like a photo memory book, i liked hearing this. early on the show runner asked for a review about her set and i said i had written about the joke she did about her mom in therapy. before the show i liked matching wits with the big dog. at the end of the night i signed the wall, and left with more than what i showed up with. i got the remaining pizza, it was consolidated into one box. and i said i wanted the two comedy CDs that were at the merch table, one of them had been produced since the most recent show of three years ago. i am told i will get the discs at cost and it will be taken out of the pay i will get through paypal. works for me. plenty of music will be a reminder of the show. during it one song playing was the 'monk' tv show theme, 'it's a jungle out there'. when driving home while it was raining i heard 'for whom the bell tolls' by metallica, and 'if it makes you happy' by sheryl crow. after i got home i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 83 cents. at work the most notable thing was the team huddle in the morning.

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