Monday, December 7, 2020

college athletic programs cut

 i am aware of how the pandemic has taken its toll on college sports, in some cases programs have been cut. over the weekend i watched the segment on '60 minutes' about it. there were interviews with officials from the u. of minnesota, and mention of the decline of gymnastics at universities. minnesota, and iowa, had just cut this program, and now apparently it is under 20 schools nationwide offering it. this led me to research further about my alma mater, iowa. i found an article from august in sports illustrated saying that the u. of iowa will cut four programs at the end of this academic year. it is mens and womens swimming, mens tennis, as well as mens gymnastics. there was mention of comparisons to the big-revenue sports, football and basketball, and how the sports cut wouldn't lead to all that much of a savings. also how iowa will be hosting the national championships for swimming. at work i was pleased with how the order of boxes of UPS envelopes arrived quickly, had just placed the order on friday. i got an answer about checks for mortgage payments not meant for my department, it was the overnight them out of state and not to the intended location on the interoffice envelope. go figure. i went on a walk in the evening and found 72 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon shut off the power and gave leonard his own day of appreciation. it was after leonard said he didn't like the roommate agreement after a safety test. it was followed by when leonard went on a first date with penny and got a concussion. 

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