Monday, December 14, 2020

sorry not sorry, demi lovato

 when i was performing at the virtual open-mic tonight, i did a story about hearing 'sorry' a lot at walgreen. the MC said there was a song by demi lovato, 'sorry not sorry'. so i found the video on youtube. it takes place at a house party, and some parts are subtitled, and apparently jamie foxx is there. it ends with mention of how the police might shut down the party. articles i found about the song said it is directed at demi's haters. i know 'sorry not sorry' was part of a TV commercial for reese's peanut butter as well. although it likely has a different meaning in the commercial. at work there was one box that was put out at the end of the day, too big to go into the mail tubs. so it was put on top of one of the mail tubs. the volume is staying high with the tax checks that get sent out by courier pickup. in the evening after the open-mic i went on a walk and picked up 1 dollar 17 cents. so i nearly have enough for chips out of the vending machine again. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon and leonard fight at the end of the lecture, and howard films it and puts it online. the video is to the tune of 'three blind mice'. it was followed by the one where bernadette said 'metrosexual, my ass' about raj. it was after giving raj a little dog. 

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