Tuesday, July 26, 2022

dickies sticker

 i had been seeing a small chest of (three) drawers with a big dickies sticker on top for a few days. tonight i found a grocery cart and moved it to next to a dumpster where it is more likely to be picked up. still hard to believe how much litter is out there, including but not limited to this item. this was during my evening walk, where i found 1 dollar 12 cents. since i bought 2 bags of chips from the vending machine at work, and bought 2 cans of beer from the liquor store near work, for the next purchase with small change it will be a festival button. i got a can of labatt, and steel reserve, so now 5 beers are waiting. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when penny had her scene cut. it was followed by the one where raj started working at the planetarium, while sheldon and amy kept fighting due to the wedding planning. i performed at an open-mic tonight as well. the jokes getting the most reaction were the ones about cereal found at work, cake mix, and the bank employee i see on the way to lunch. i liked some of the music played by others. the wild man played dolly parton's 'jolene' and mac and cheese played sixpence's 'kiss me'. at work i sent a box found at the branch to the delivery table. another one looked like a toner cartridge, but didn't have my name on it. a colleague said i could still open it, and when i confirmed it was a toner cartridge i decided to keep it in the shop. i also asked for the 15-day payoff amount on a loan and still need to forward this information to the credit union.

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