Saturday, July 9, 2022

gran torino movie

 in the afternoon i put in a DVD movie, a recent purchase from family dollar, 'gran torino'. i think this was the first time i had seen it since it was at theaters. i recognized clint eastwood in it. i recall a coworker saying he goes to church with the grandma in it. this was the second of three discs to watch from that case. it was like watching it again for the first time. i recalled a few things, such as the attempt to steal the car, and the reading of the will. i can relate to the part where walt said he could relate to his neighbors better than his own family. 

i waited to put in the movie as there were other things i wanted to get done in the morning. this included going to the credit union to dump change into my savings account, something i do once a quarter. it was 15 dollars that i deposited. i went to the post office but there was nothing to pick up from my box. then i went to a copy store and printed 4 items. two are upcoming reservations, one of those two was baseball game tickets. i got a box of cereal and some cheese curds at a holiday gas station as well. then it was time to do lunch at home, a pot pie. after the movie was done i laid own for a while, and then it was time to go to aldi for my weekly grocery order. on the way there i saw some plastic tubs of interest to me, and after i got back from buying groceries i got a look at it. i passed on much of it but claimed 32 books and 4 CDs, along with some note pads. 3 of the CDs were still wrapped in plastic. some of the books included sinclair lewis, hemingway, and some reference books for writers. even one about president kennedy. thankful i looked at it when i did as it was all gone when i went out for a walk later in the evening. during this walk i found 27 cents. after the grocery store i had the evening meal, a pizza hot pocket, and watched part of the baseball game on Fox. it was yankees at red sox, and the red sox won in 10 innings.

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