Tuesday, December 13, 2022

do not feed zombies

 i went to perform tonight and i was advised to take a later slot in the lineup due to a performer i rarely see. i asked if it was the guy in the shirt that said 'do not feed the zombies', and it was. they wanted somebody uplifting to follow him as he can be a downer apparently. he did talk about famous women he didn't like, one of them a politician. before i went on i was told by the show runner that he swapped our spots, so i went on a little earlier, number 7 instead of 10. i prefer to go early, so i was fine with that. i don't stay for the entire show too often as i can get tired, but i stay as long as i can. i gave a shout out to the wild guitar player as we spoke before the show and said i go to an early screening of a movie on super bowl sunday. i made mention of how the whitney houston bio-pic is finally getting released, and he decided to do 'want to dance with somebody' as his second song. show runner liked mention of the redbox rental due to the director. another one that got reaction was the weird things i saw at the grocery store. at work the 2 fargo files, the largest of the day, were not there. volume was low enough that all of the mail fit in just one tub, which doesn't happen too often. in the morning i bought 3 small bags of peanuts from the vending machine, will have one a day until they are gone. in the evening after the show i went on a walk and found 33 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when howard and bernadette had their second child. it was followed by the one where penny is the chaperone on sheldon and amy's date. howard is a pervert with the robot arm.

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