Friday, December 30, 2022

wednesday dance

 i don't have netflix, but i heard about another netflix phenomenon due to mason city's facebook posting. i knew it was another case of a show making an old song popular again, as it was called a 'kate bush moment'. i actually found more than just the 'wednesday dance' to the song 'goo goo muck' by the cramps. i also found lady gaga doing the same dance, to her song 'bloody mary'. i bought a kate bush greatest hits CD when one of her songs became popular again. it remains to be seen if i am buying this band's CD as well. at work i was going through old emails and responded to one of them, as there was mention of what was needed to move out the inactive check printer. i said the installation was completed a week earlier, and the newer one is running fine. probably more waiting for the printer to get picked up. my boss moved back the meeting to discuss my performance evaluation, by one day. i knocked down the check backlog, now it is just under three hundred. and i sent up the refund check file to another floor, it hadn't been done for a few weeks. when i was walking through the branch, checking for deliveries near the end of the day, i heard part of 'bad blood' by taylor swift. it made me pause a little, much like earlier in the week when i heard 'run around' by blues traveler when at the mall. in the evening i drank the bottle of beck's with my meal so now there are 2 beers waiting. during my walks i found 2 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when amy said 'what the hell' to penny, about penny saying she wasn't having kids. it was followed by the one where howard said 'i choose you' to bernadette after bernie said 'her or me', as howard's mom made it complicated.

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