Wednesday, August 16, 2023

ice dumped in grass

 when i was out late taking a walk i went past a coffee shop where i saw plenty of ice dumped in the grass, so i took a picture of it. probably will melt once the sun rises. during the walk i found 14 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon and amy went with howard and bernadette on a valentines day train, and sheldon met another train weirdo. while leonard nd penny stayed home and raj's dog was poisoned by chocolate. it was followed by the one where sheldon was benched by the university president, wanting only amy to do the interviews about their discovery. and the friends went paintball gaming. 

  at work it was easier for me as the colleague i was training was working from home, there was somebody coming to work on the plumbing. i got caught up on sending out overnights, likely the first time there was carryover. and a box of more envelopes arrived, making things easier for me. our internal UPS team was contacted. there had been a supply shortage and another box will be ordered. other issues were how i had to enunciate on an email how i sent the refund check in question to another department that actually processes it. along with getting bogged down in semantics when i was sent an i.m. i found out the file was court orders but the colleague kept calling it garnishments. i had a donut in the morning. there was an email how somebody brought them and it meant going to another floor to pick it up.

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