Wednesday, August 30, 2023

night deposit envelopes

 i picked up five boxes of envelopes from the branch just before midday. i did not recognize the kind, based on the code on the label, or who had ordered them. i opened the box with the packing list and looked at the envelopes inside- it was for night deposits. the branch manager said the branch does not use them. so they were moved to the fourth floor delivery table and i emailed my boss about it. it was revealed that it was a test order and these were never meant to be sent out by the envelope company. so i was sent some labels to get them returned and i will put them out to be picked up in the morning. there was a spike in volume on a morning file, larger than one of the fargo files, so none of the special project checks were done. we are down to just over eight thousand checks so the end is in sight, but it might mean doing another half-day on saturday to complete it. i am to follow up with my boss later in the week to see where we are on remaining volume. when sending up refund checks and invoices i got a pumpkin spice cupcake from the lady who places supply orders for me. late in the evening i went on a walk and found 27 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon was picked up from arizona at the end of his sabbatical to ride the rails. it was followed by the one where kripke provides evidence that a fermi lab employee trying to steal the nobel had plagiarized his thesis.

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