Saturday, August 26, 2023

string puppet

 when i was taking a walk i noticed some things on a table. it was a page that said 'string puppet', how to make one i guess. next to it was a blue tote bag full of thin wooden sticks for stirring paint. must have been some arts and crafts for kids, a thing i recall doing when i was young. even though i very much enjoyed the day off, it was nice to get back into the work routine. some things of course are more fun than others to deal with at work. that is why one has to be careful on getting the names right. there are two ladies with the same name and i like working with one way more than the other. one of them had a request for a tracking number on a check to be overnighted, and i asked for the payee. good thing i was told about it as it wasn't marked as overnight and otherwise would have went regular mail. it was in the second i-pay. then there was the one who said he was expecting a check, and i said i send you an I.M. if there is one. she does her research and gives me a check number from tuesday, three days prior. i said it went into a file where i don't check for special handling, and it likely went regular mail. otherwise there wasn't too much out of the ordinary. i am still sending out four full mail tubs a day to get the volume of checks knocked down. the dude who picks them up noticed this when i saw him in the morning. and he spoke of dealing with traffic when at the energy park facility since it is near the state fairgrounds. i said it means avoiding it until labor day, which of course is the last day of the fair. during my walks i found 51 cents. i bought just five items at hy-vee in eagan tonight. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when leonard and penny got engaged after penny was fired from a movie. howard and bernadette hire a nurse to take care of howard's mom. it was followed by the one where sheldon and amy talk to HR, then do a sensory deprivation tank. sheldon loves it and amy hates it.

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