Tuesday, September 19, 2023

one less check printer

 i wasn't thrilled with the visitor to the shop just after midday. it was an efficiency expert doing a building-wide sweep of little-used copiers and printers. this meant we are now down to one check printer, i liked having two as it was a nice luxury and safety net. the copier was swapped out for another brand, and the table once used for a check printer is now being used for the copier. when the man first arrived i sent him to the branch manager as i looked at the forms and none of those machines listed were in the shop. most were on other floors. when the man returned the branch manager was the tour guide. guess the man will be stopping at other buildings nearby in the upcoming days. sounds like it was all done on short notice. at the end of the workday i went to the liquor store near work and got a can of fulton oktoberfest so now there are five beers waiting. in the evening i went to perform. even though i showed up a little earlier, i was only able to get a slot at the end of the night. the opening line or couch gag didn't go as well as typical, it became a rabbit hole but i found my way out of it. there was more bank stories to tell, such as being called crabby. and i spoke of the dude at the booya. during my walks i found 72 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon got a young rival, a defector from north korea. it was followed by the one where the friends tried an experiment to see if they end up falling in love. i checked my phone while waiting to perform and found out adam wainwright, a pitcher, got a milestone win tonight. it was number 200 as the st. louis cardinals beat the milwaukee brewers 1-0. 

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