Thursday, November 16, 2023

back at cajun grill

 i had the day off for a dental appointment. i ended up having lunch in downtown st. paul, in the food court i often ate in when working downtown. i chose the cajun grill. i noticed this court still has plenty of  empty store-fronts, at least half. then it was on to the appointment. somebody tried to step into the elevator just before i left, to ask me how to get somewhere. i said i can't help you, i wanted to be on time. in the morning i had plenty of little things to do on my list, and got to all six of them. things like get toothpaste, go to the post office, ask about a vaccine, add to my bus pass. along with get a haircut and get to a coffee shop. after the appointment i went to rice park, where there was a big christmas tree. a man asked for pictures on a camera phone, and i was pleased to do so as it was with two of the charlie brown and snoopy bronze statues. i pointed out where the other six were in a nearby park. i also looked around inside the landmark center, and it was a good place to go to the bathroom. when i got home i went to the liquor store near me and got a can of schell's oktoberfest, so now there are six beers waiting. i watched 'jeopardy' and was pleased that i got the final jeopardy clue correct, about the jefferson memorial. none of the contestants did. i got two things scheduled as well, a vaccine for this weekend and ordering an event ticket for more than two weeks from now. during my walks i found 86 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon decides to move to montana after the apartment was broken into. it was followed by the one where sheldon is jealous of bert for his award and keeps hurting himself.

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