Wednesday, December 13, 2023

brazil movie, jonathan pryce

 in the evening i went to a movie at the trylon cinema in minneapolis, 'brazil'. jonathan pryce was the lead actor, and even though it was a british movie i recognized some american actors in it. there was robert deniro and katherine helmond. this was billed as a biting satire and some laughed way more than i did but i understood the absurdities being depicted in it. i had read the book '1984' in college and it reminded me of that book. this is part of a 'film noir' series and i will likely go see another one at this venue next month. i had popcorn while there. usually i don't have it at the movies but it helped that this is a nonprofit cinema and a small cup was just three dollars. after the movie i made it to a target just before closing time and picked up some cheese and a bottle of tea. at work my vacation replacement dropped in late in the day but this made it harder to get my work done, as usual, as i am used to getting it done by myself. looks like i got points for sending the box of check stock to marshall, as it means at some point ordering another amazon gift card with it. and there was an email thread about the locked door leading to the UPS box, looks like it is handled now. many of the names on the thread i didn't recognize. learned how the outer door, when working properly, only locks overnight for 12 hours, and then a key card is needed. and for the other 12 the general public can drop off parcels and the courier can get in to pick them up. late in the evening i went on a walk and found 2 dollars 51 cents. the 'big bang theory' rerun was when the ladies had a slumber party and the dudes went to an 'indiana jones' screening where sheldon stole the movie and was getting chased by the other moviegoers.

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