Tuesday, December 26, 2023

VHS day

 recently i bought a VHS tape from e-bay, first time in a while. it was called 'grand slam', interviews with baseball players, hosted by dick schaap, released in 1988. figured if i was watching that one then i should make it worth my while and watch some others on the same day. due to the rainy weather for much of the day, i watched six in all. the others were st. louis cardinals centennial, bonjour les amis, rites of autumn, peanuts on parade, and classic commercials. i recall writing about the commercials tape in a writing class, critical writing. i used an older TV that i knew would be compatible with the VHS hook-ups, albeit a smaller screen, for this 'VHS day'. looking at what is in the box, 27 VHS tapes in all, it might inspire me to try to find the same movie on DVD so i can replace a few more of those tapes. i ate two turkey dinners and had english muffins with them, along with blueberry pie and vanilla ice cream. i drank the cans of schell's, and spiral, with these meals so now three beers are waiting. both cans said they were oktoberfest edition. despite the rain i still went out for a walk late in the day and found 25 cents. i tried to watch 'yule log' on channel 45, or 5-2, but it was different this year, only saw the fireplace and no music. at one point it said to tune into a radio station, 94.5, for the music but i didn't feel like doing that.

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