Sunday, December 10, 2023

trumbo movie

 this morning i put in a DVD movie, a recent purchase from amazon, 'trumbo'. i bought it because i knew john goodman was in it, albeit in a small role. also because it was about the HUAC black-listing, or the mc carthy witch hunt era. the movie portrayed trumbo as somebody who constantly worked as a writer, even in the bathtub, but was often overbearing, even to his own family and friends. i liked how it covered some more of this era than i had been familiar with in the history books i had read. mccarthy was only briefly shown and mentioned in it, there was plenty of story to tell before and after that. naturally the name dropping of famous people that were  part of the saga, such as kirk douglas, and john wayne, made it more of a notable story to tell. after it was done it was time to get going on errand running. first stop was the post office, got there just before closing, but no orders to pick up. then on to the capitol to drop off recycle. then on to jersey mike's for a sandwich. when i got home i turned on the army-navy football game. i watched some of it starting with the second quarter, then laid down for a while and watched some of the fourth quarter. army won 17-11, taking an intentional safety on the final play to preserve the win. then i had some pizza for the evening meal, and went to aldi for groceries. after this was done i went to walgreen and picked up a redbox movie for the next morning. decided it was a good idea that i did nothing else for the night as it had snowed and it probably started off as freezing rain. during my walks i found 1 dollar 50 cents.

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