Wednesday, August 19, 2020

elbow greeting

 at work the doorbell rang, i knew i had a visitor to the check shop. it was somebody dropping off checks dated before the work from home order, so march and earlier. she offered  a handshake, somebody i had met for the first time, but i did an elbow greeting instead, due to the times we live in. the checks were scanned right away. 17 scans in all but just 8 of them were actually checks. my boss showed up and claimed some of the health supplies, guess they are being re-deployed when more people return to working at the office. i liked how the envelope stuffer and printer were humming along for most of the day, makes it easier to get the work done on time. just some minor issues with both that were easily corrected. 

  in the evening i went on a walk and found 12 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when family showed up for a 'repeat wedding' of leonard and penny. leonard's dad takes a liking to sheldon's mom. it was followed by when sheldon decided to be part of leonard's date with stephanie.  also notable about the day was finding a big bottle of palmolive dish soap at walgreen, on sale due to using my loyalty card. so i like knowing it will last twice as long as the current bottle. it was either that or wait until the weekend, where i knew that aldi also has big bottles of soap. also listened to the st. paul saints baseball game on the radio, saints lost to the chicago dogs 10-3. there was an interview with the league's commissioner, who explained why some of the winnipeg games will have a change of venue. lack of fan support in the hub city of fargo, and the league has revenue sharing. but i won't mind, as it means 3 more home games for the saints on labor day weekend, and i plan on attending one of them. it sounds like any game that the winnipeg goldeyes isn't playing against fargo for the rest of the season was moved, as two series with milwaukee were moved as well. 

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