Thursday, August 6, 2020

the cheesewich

 i went to walgreen after lunch looking for a snack, and decided to try the 'cheesewich'. it is 2 slices of colby jack cheese and 1 slice of hard salami. it tasted fine. the company name and product is super- imposed on a spotted cow. the package also states the factory is in hodgkins, IL. it has 'proudly wisconsin cheese' as well. one of the trainers was in the check shop for a little while, and helped me with getting the supply order in. i understand this is done once a month, near the first of the month. there was more than 30 UPS labels to do as there was one batch that was all checks to be overnighted. sounds like my niece's graduation party/reception has been called off, and no plans to reschedule. i saw mention of it on facebook. in the evening i went on a walk and picked up 9 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when the friends sing karaoke after bernadette announces she is pregnant, followed by one that made me laugh a lot. because the friends say 'tag, you're it'. this was the one where sheldon is passed around the friends when he was asked to keep a secret that penny didn't finish college. 

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