Monday, November 23, 2020

go to the statue

 i decided to wander around downtown st. paul after a dentist appointment this afternoon, for about an hour, then got on the bus back home. during that time i was over by wilkins auditorium and there was a sign saying that covid testing wasn't there, go to the entrance by the herb brooks statue. somebody was in their car near me and asked me where the testing was, ignoring the sign apparently. i said the statue is near the park, and then they left. besides the dental appointment, my first in over 3 years, i did get other things done today. some of it was fact finding, such as calling buca di beppo and finding out they don't have the individual turkey dinner for thanksgiving this year. their smallest portion serves 3 people, and that is too much for just me. so i knew i needed to get into motion and line up alternate plans. first stop was to a nearby liquor store, where i got beer- a can of hamm's and a bottle of summit. i knew i wanted beer with my dinner, much like previous years. then in the evening i went to the cub foods in eagan and got two turkey dinners from the freezer, along with some pumpkin pie muffins. it was nice getting some small but important things done on my day off, such as paying the utility bill by phone. and deciding to write a letter to the editor in my hometown. i like doing one annually there. i rode the bus to the appointment, for the first time during the pandemic. not too big of a deal, have a mask on and social distancing, same as most other public places. during my walks i found 27 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon tried to send cookies to nobel prize winners. it was followed by when wil wheaton gave an action figure to sheldon when he finally decided to show up at his party. i did a virtual open-mic in the evening, and when the MC sang 'the dance' by garth brooks it reminded me of how i couldn't dance to it at my cousin's wedding since it reminded me of bill young. this led to the MC telling a story about his family, as i recall about a sibling that committed suicide as well as finding out years later about a baby being given up for adoption. 

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