Wednesday, November 18, 2020

underdog, alicia keys

 when i was driving home from work i heard a song on the radio that stuck with me. i wrote down some key lyrics and found out it was 'underdog' by alicia keys. the video shows people from different walks of life, and at times alicia is singing and dancing with them, at times she is alone. lyrics that were memorable for me was 'the things that change us', 'this goes out to the underdog', and 'built to break the mold'. stories about underdogs tend to be good stories, the triumph over adversity. in the evening i went on a walk and found 12 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when leonard was jealous of colleagues working on a meteorite and dreamed that he ate them. it was followed by the one where penny did a hemorrhoid commercial. at work there was a meeting around midday about the checks from a business line arriving late to customers. it was slated for 30 minutes but ran over by 12. i let them know that volume has went up, but i print them and send them out same-day. so it has more to do with what happens before i get them. i knew this was likely even before i heard people speak about their part of the process. the fire alarm also went off, before this meeting, but there were employees from facilities saying it was just a test when i emerged from the check shop with my coat on. 

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