Sunday, November 8, 2020

the corrupted movie

 this morning i watched a DVD movie, a redbox rental, 'the corrupted'. it is a british crime thriller. i did not recognize any of the actors in it but i still liked the story. the movie begins in 2002, before london is awarded the olympic games. then it fast forwards to the present time. two brothers are the main characters, and one of them is an ex-convict that is a boxer. i would have liked seeing more scenes of him as a boxer, aside from a fund-raiser that is sponsored by a 'property developer'. at times it was hard to keep up with who were the good guys and who were the bad guys, as some of the cops were corrupt. of course there is a body count. memorable were scenes of an employee of a crime syndicate being strung up in a meat locker next to sides of pork. i had seen some 'brother movies' before and the story can be compelling. where they may be really different people, but can put those differences aside because they are family. 

it was an errand running day, and it meant going to the post office. all three e-bay and amazon orders were there for pickup. i dropped off the recycle, and went to another post office and got a sheet of bugs bunny stamps. it is honoring the 80th anniversary of this character. when i dropped off the movie at the gas station i also got lunch, a nathan's pretzel dog and some cheese. also one of those 'sponge bob' characters in the discount bin, which included a hollow chocolate egg. i watched a little college football, but the hawkeye game wasn't on local TV. i found out they beat michigan state for their first win of the season. in the evening it was to the grocery store, picked up another halloween box of cereal, kellogg frosted flakes. i watched some of the boxing matches on fox, but the main event ended quickly, 45 seconds in, as i think one of the heavyweight fighters either had a knee injury or a concussion from the other fighter's bicep. before the boxing matches were shown on fox, president-elect biden gave a speech. some of the remaining states had completed vote counting earlier in the day apparently so the media outlets were able to project a winner based on the number of electoral votes. i picked up 38 cents throughout the day during my walks. 

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