Tuesday, September 20, 2022

copier already registered

 in the afternoon i finally decided to do something about the copier. there was two things. one was needing to order another toner cartridge, the other was a service call about the line down the middle of the copies. it meant looking at an email a colleague had sent me last month. there was a link to use and it spoke of registering it. when i tried to do so i find out it was already registered. the cartridge will likely arrive within the week and i am waiting to hear back about the service call, but it did ask for the best times to call. it was disappointing that i had to call again about the envelope stuffer, but in the morning i noticed it wasn't sealing that well. so not a lot of checks went out. i let my boss know when i was called about a check that arrived, guess this was somebody who had called a senior leader on a remediation check. in the evening i performed at an open-mic. i did two 'p' stories from the bank, printout and potluck, which got laughs before i got to the punchlines. i liked hearing the songs performed by others. there was 'wagon wheel', by the wild dude who was on right after me. and then there was 'ring of fire' and 'country roads' when he did a duet. fourth was 'creep' by radiohead, the show runner did this one as a duet this time but not with the aforementioned guitarist. it was with the buck owens fan. later on i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 2 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon took a fencing lesson from kripke. it was followed by the one where leonard goes on a date with penny but bangs his head on a table, after going emo due to lesley feeling nothing after a kiss.

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