Sunday, September 25, 2022

hockeyland movie

 this afternoon i went to see the movie 'hockeyland' in woodbury. it is a documentary mainly about two hockey teams in northern minnesota. one is hermantown, the other eveleth. the former has been doing well in the state tournament lately, the latter is the home of the hockey hall of fame and the movie covers how their school would be merging with the one in the nearby iron range town of virginia. i liked seeing images of the xcel center, which is to be expected as the state tournament is held there. but i liked how there was plenty of footage from places i hadn't been to, such as the small arenas in the northern part of the state, as well as the college arena in duluth. looks like it was mostly filmed in early 2020, based on calendars in the background. i had been to the hall of fame, a side trip from duluth. i like how a documentary shows many intimate parts of life, and this one is no different. not just at home, but also at school or while driving. there is even footage from the mr. hockey announcement, won by one of the hermantown players. and i like what i can learn from staying for the closing credits, finding out some of the funding was from the state of iowa, cultural affairs dept., i worked in records management there many years ago and it was put under this agency. 

as usual it was a day of errand running. there was one e-bay order to pick up from the post office. i also dropped off recycle at the capitol and got copies at the copy store, a  vaccine appointment as well as a ticket for an event, the latter will be in 2 weeks. and i stopped at a target and got some cheese curds, as well as a cereal bowl. i wanted a 'novelty' bowl, and it was hard to find one at first but i am pleased with the one i chose. it is hard plastic, so harder to break. and it is a halloween theme with jack o lanterns on it. so it makes me think of the band smashing pumpkins, as well as going to oktoberfest in new ulm annually. and i did lunch at home before going to the movie. after the movie i did some more organizing on online articles i had printed, getting many of them ready to be filed away. and it means there is a smaller stack to look through. in the early evening i went to aldi for my weekly grocery order. later on in went on a walk and found 2 dollars 84 cents. 

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