Wednesday, September 28, 2022

signature needed to re-open

 the business line in kansas city contacted me and said an account was closed by mistake. i was asked about re-depositing the funds in the account. i was unsure if this was possible, so i advised them to contact my manager. i was told it was fine as long as the branch allowed it. the branch manager said a signature was needed from the account holder to re-open it. so i had to let them know the check would be returned to the business line. i didn't want to spend any more time than necessary on just one check when i of course print thousands of checks each day. this started during an upskilling session that had some helpful hints about applying for positions internally. i will have to print the transcript that was sent after the session ended. still a backlog in checks to run through the machine because there was a high volume from one of the fargo lines. in the evening i went on a walk and found 34 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when penny said 'take your sheldon back' when sheldon was helping penny with an app about shoes. it was followed by the one where howard hooks up with lesley during paintball, and penny shot the couch cushion. there was something on the news about the NFL game in tampa may have to be moved due to the hurricane. although my searching discovered that minnesota was one of three venues mentioned, along with new orleans and chicago. all three are available, four if you count miami. although the article said miami is being ruled out due to not wanting to use state resources when hurricane recovery would be more important. three college games have had their game time or venue changed already, and one of them isn't even in florida. 

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