Monday, September 26, 2022

french dispatch movie

 this afternoon i watched a DVD movie, a redbox rental, 'french dispatch'. i recognized bill murray, frances mcdormand, owen wilson, henry winkler, and ed norton in it. i was thinking i had seen something like this before, and i was right. this is a wes anderson movie, who had also directed 'budapest hotel'. wikipedia did say he is known for eccentric movies. this was about the final edition of a magazine, murray is the boss, but has a small role. it is mainly three stories. first is a prison artist, then a young man's manifesto, finally a cook for a police officer. actually the last story is the obit, but the fourth story is fairly short. there is a lot going on and sometimes i had to rewind it because i was afraid of having missed something. i liked it, even though it is considered to be a comedy i didn't laugh much but i still understood the jokes that were being told, as it is social commentary. 

 in the morning i went to walgreen and did a covid booster vaccine, at a closer location than the one i went to 9 months ago. i asked if the suckers were for the kids, but i was told i still could have one. i bought a few things while there, two pieces of reese's peanut butter from the seasonal section, and a single roll of toilet paper. then i went home, had lunch, and got the movie. i could have at walgreen but didn't bring the discount code with me so it meant going to my customary location, the holiday gas station. after the movie was done it was time to do laundry. i got this one just before the evening arrived, which is what i wanted. after watching 'the simpsons'  i called my college roommate in farmington, first time in 3 months. later on i went on a walk and found 58 cents. 

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