Saturday, February 25, 2023

i never promised you a rose garden

 i finished the book i had re-started this week, 'i never promised you a rose garden'. at times i had to stop and reflect on what i was reading, even looked up some of the words in it. but i am thankful i made it to the end. there is a movie version from the 1970s. according to wikipedia, dennis quaid and clint howard (ron's brother) are in it as baseball players. based on what i have read about the movie, it is hard to say as to if it is worth my time as it is likely hard to find. typical of going from book to movie, some things are changed or taken out. i recall finding this book when looking at resale shops when i first moved to minnesota in 2004. at some point i actually had two paperback copies, sometimes that happens where i buy a book i already have a copy of. i think what spoke to me was the title, as it is close to a song title. then it was reading the synopsis of the book, about mental illness. and we all know how mental health can be a delicate thing. parts of it are quite relatable, such as making friends with those who understand the struggle as they are going through it as well. or how sometimes it is tempting to just give up or quit because life can be hard at times. but sometimes we must fight for what is rewarding. day 4 of being on leave- hopefully the final day- meant calling to my boss to say i had an appointment to be re-tested. i was told the check shop was closed on thursday due to the weather, which is rare. it meant another day of watching 'jeopardy'. the mind exercise from this game show made being off work for a few days more bearable. i went to hy-vee in eagan in the evening, had a mask on when inside the store. lent just started, i had a place picked out each week in terms of finding a fish fry but of course this week's was scrapped. and i watched a DVD in the afternoon, 'farewell to arms', starring gary cooper, based on the hemingway novel. i had bought this disc at a gas station during one of my travels back from iowa but i think this was the first time watching it. there was plenty of previews after the film was done of other shows this company has, many of them cartoons. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when the friends had an intervention for sheldon, who needs to learn how to drive. it was followed by the one where we see two different 'star trek' actors on 'fun with flags'- wil wheaton and levar burton- and amy, as the director, doesn't like either. 

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